(2018) 1 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 93–100
Title of the article Legal Assessment of Non-fulfilment of Procedural Agreements through Avoiding Execution of Punishment by a Convict
Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, head, department of public prosecutors training in supervision over laws observance in court decisions enforcement in criminal cases, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Nedilko-v-g@ukr.net
PhD in law, Docent, deputy head, department of public prosecutors training in supervision over laws observance in court decisions enforcement in criminal cases, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, NAPU.Armanov@gmail.com
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2018
Issue 1
Pages [93–100]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract The article states and gives grounds for the scientific and practical approach to classifying the acts of a convict that manifest in avoiding execution of punishment set forth in a reconciliation agreement or in a plea agreement, or in violation of the regime of execution of that punishment. Moreover, the article covers the existent court practice of classifying those acts, the attention is paid to shortcomings of common legal positions. Avoiding execution of punishment prescribed in procedural agreement composes the ideal range of offences and has to be displayed in the formula of classification.
Keywords plea agreement; reconciliation agreement; avoiding execution of procedural agreements; criminal liability for avoiding execution of agreements; content of reconciliation agreement and of plea agreement.
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